Species Wiki
Glenda Ross
Glenda Ross
Biographical information
Gender Female
Species Human
Age Unknown
Status Deceased
Cause of Death Unknown
Killed by Kal
Family Tommy (boyfriend; deceased)
Unborn child (deceased)
Abilities Unknown
Played by N/A
Appearances Species: Human Race

Glenda Ross is a main character in the 3rd issue of Species: Human Race comic.


Glenda was Tommy's girlfriend. After Tommy got the bag of diamonds form a stranger, they ran away with it. While eating in Clover Diner, Tommy asked Glenda to start the car, for another escape. Glenda, however, was captured by Red's goon outside the diner and was held as ransom for the diamonds. When Tommy came to the Lucky Inn motel to exchange the diamonds for Glenda, a shootout happened, resulting in Tommy's death. Glenda took the opportunity to escape the wounded goon to the next door inn. She was saved by a weird man who resided there. The man then took Glenda with him on a motorcycle and they escaped another man with a gun.

It turned out the the man who had saved Glenda was Kal. Even though Glenda was already pregnant, Kal, in his desperation still, raped her, and, when no fertilization took place, killed her. Kal left Glenda's body 27 miles from the Lucky Inn motel, under an uprooted road sign. Dr. Jean Louis Diana, who did the autopsy, noted that Kal's sperm had attacked the unborn baby inside her.
