Prostitutes are characters from Species II. They are primarily female humans that make their living by engaging in sexual outings with men in exchange for cash, often dressing in provocative outfits in order to entice men.
Some of these prostitutes fell victim to Patrick Ross after his failed suicide attempt put his alien side in control, and they died after being impregnated by him and bore his children. It is unknown just how many Patrick mated with, but judging from the number of children he fathered, it was a large number of them.
- Two of these prostitutes that Patrick killed were a prostitute he met on the street at night, and a hooker at a love motel.
- Prostitutes are also referred to as "working girls" in some cases.
- Because prostitutes are known to engage in sexual activity with many men at any time, they run the risk of contracting STDs from their partners and spread it to other partners. This also implies that the ones Patrick fathered children with were healthy and STD-free.
- According to the novelization, Patrick had fathered his children with over three dozen women, so most of them were likely prostitutes.