Species Wiki
Biographical information
Gender Male
Species Human
Age Unknown
Status Deceased
Cause of Death Shot to death
Killed by Red's goon
Family Glenda Ross (girlfriend; deceased)
Unborn child (deceased)
Abilities Unknown
Played by N/A
Appearances Species: Human Race

Tommy is a main character in the 3rd issue of Species: Human Race comic.


Tommy was down on his luck and lost big in a casino. While riding in an elevator with a random guy, the other guy was killed by a man working for Red. Tommy was also threatened by that man before being shot by the dying man. Tommy took the dead man's bag, which was full of diamonds, and escaped with his girlfriend, Glenda Ross. At the Clover Diner, Tommy notices a suspicious man, and tells Glenda to go start the car, planning for another escape. After a while, the waitress brought Tommy a note to go to the Lucky Inn and bring Red's stuff in exchange for Glenda. Tommy went there with a backup gun and shot the guy working for Red, but Tommy was shot, too, and he died from his wounds.
